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What's involved in writing a blog?

"Can you just whizz me up a quick 500-word blog?" I get asked this question a lot from prospective clients, and my answer is usually: “Erm…sure. But it depends what you mean by quick.” Of course, I could dump 500 words on a page in 20 minutes. But that’s not going to be much good for you.

Writing a quality 500-word blog is not quick. Not in my world, anyway. If you’re a new client, I have a thorough process to immerse myself in your business and enable me to create an awesome blog for you.

My 10-step process for writing a blog

1. I get to know you

I like to take an interest in my clients and get to know them – mainly because I’m a nosey cow. Don’t worry, I won’t be asking for your vital statistics, but I like to find out a bit about where you’re from, what you like and don’t like, as it comes in handy if I’m writing from your perspective.

2. I get to know your business

This is pretty obvious. If I’m going to be writing a blog about your business, I need to know what an earth you do so I can write about it.

3. I get to know your target audience

Who are your customers? What are their pain points? How can you solve their problems? These are all questions I’ll be asking to help me create useful blogs that your audience will want to read.

4. I get to know your style and tone of voice

This usually comes once I’ve mastered 1, 2 and 3, because it depends on the kind of person you are, the type of business you run, and the people you help. Nailing your style and tone of voice brings your brand to life and can help it stand out from the rest.

5. Understand the purpose of the blog - where will it be used? What’s the aim?

Do you want your blogs to entertain, to inform, to sell? Maybe it’s a combination of all three. There’s no point publishing a blog for the sake of it, so it’s important we get to the bottom of why you want a blog in the first place.

6. Research the topic of the blog

I like to think I know a little about a lot. But unless you want me to write a blog on the life and times of the sitcom, Friends, I’m probably going to need to do some research.

7. SEO keyword research

Blogs are great for keeping your website updated with content. But you want your blog to be found by your target audience when they search, which is why you need to include some SEO. Don’t worry if you don’t have a clue what I’m on about. I’m no SEO expert, but I can make sure your blog includes the right words and phrases to ensure it comes up in searches.

8. Create a compelling headline and sub-headings aligned to keyword research

How many times has a headline compelled you to read more? It’s one of the most important parts of writing a blog and isn’t something that should be rushed. Similarly, it’s important that your blog has enticing sub-headings so people can see at a glance what it’s about.

9. I give it a good proofread

As much as I’d love to say I’m perfect, even I make mistakes – especially when I’m super-focused on writing down all the thoughts in my head. That’s why I like to step away once I’ve written a blog and come back to it a bit later with fresh eyes. I’ll often spot the odd typo or a better way of saying something after some time away.

10. I work with you on any revisions you need to ensure it’s exactly what you’re after

I want to make sure you’re happy with the work I produce for you. After all, you’re investing in my services and expertise, and I’d like to think you might want to recommend me to others or continue to work with me in the future. So if there’s anything you’re not totally happy with, don’t be afraid to say. You get two rounds of amends as standard with any piece of work I complete for you.

So, yeah. I’d love to create a 500-word blog for you. If you want a quality blog that’s going to do what you want it to do, get in touch and let’s get to work. But if your deadline is in half an hour, you’re probably better off going to Fiverr or Upwork. Good luck with that!


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